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Pap Test

(Preferred method)

  • Performing lab: Cytopathology (N018); Ext: 4-1550 
  • Availability: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday
  • Turnaround time: One to two working days 
  • Specimen type: Liquid-based Pap test 
  • Container: Thinprep PreservCyt solution 
  • Volume: 20ml fluid

Special instructions

  • Use brush/spatula combination. Rinse the spatula in the PreservCyt solution by vigorously swirling in the vial 10 times. Discard the spatula.
  • Repeat the same method using the endocervical brush.

Specimen transport requirements

  • Cytologic specimens should be labeled with printed barcoded labels (do not put label on tops)
  • Placed in a biohazard bag and transported with the printed requisition to the Cytology Laboratory, N018
  • Logged in and placed on the top shelf of the refrigerator if after hours

Cause for rejection

  • Inadequate identification

More information

  • Complete the Gyn cytology order in Epic to include pertinent history, prior diagnostic/therapeutic procedures, X-ray, clinical findings, and results of prior surgeries.
  • Outreach facilities should use the preprinted “University Outreach Pathology Requisition” and submit with the sample.
  • Indicate if body fluid precautions are necessary.
  • Per ASCP guidelines, testing for high-risk HPV types will only be performed reflexively on cases with current cytological diagnosis of ASC-US.